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Affective type

This type includes individuals with different, constitutionally conditioned, level of mood. Persons with a constantly low mood form a group of hypotensive (depressed) psychopaths. It is always gloomy, dull, all unhappy and uncommunicative people. In the work they are too conscientious, accurate, executive, because In everything are ready to see the complications and setbacks. They are characterized by a pessimistic assessment of the present and an appropriate perspective on the future, combined with a lowered self-esteem. They are sensitive to trouble, are capable of empathy, but their feelings are trying to hide from others. They are reserved and laconic in the conversation, they are afraid to express their opinion. They think that they are always wrong, they are looking for their guilt and failure in everything. Hyperthymic individuals, in contrast to hypotensive individuals, are characterized by constantly elevated mood, activity and optimism. They are sociable, lively, talkative people. In the work they are enterprising, initiative, full of ideas, but their propensity for adventurism and inconsistency are harmful in achieving this goal. Temporary failures do not upset them, they take up their work with unquenchable energy again. Excessive self-confidence, reassessment of one's own capabilities, activity on the verge of law often complicates their life. Such individuals are prone to lie, not necessarily in the performance of promises. In connection with the increased sexual desire, they are indiscriminate in their acquaintances, they enter into reckless intimate relations. Persons with emotional instability, i.e. With constant mood swings, refer to the cycloid type. Their mood changes from low, sad, to heightened, joyful. Periods of bad or good mood of different duration, from several hours to several days, even weeks. Their state and activity change in accordance with a change in mood.