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Amenetic state (amenia)

(Amenity - a deep degree of confusion) is accompanied not only by a complete loss of orientation in the environment, but also in one's own "I". The surrounding is perceived fragmentarily, incoherently, disconnected. Thinking is also broken, the patient can not comprehend what is happening. There are deceptions of perception in the form of hallucinations, which is accompanied by motor anxiety (usually within the bed due to a severe general condition), incoherent speech. Excitation can be replaced by periods of immobility, helplessness. The mood is unstable: from tearfulness to unmotivated gaiety. Amenic state can last for weeks and months with small light intervals. The dynamics of mental disorders is closely related to the severity of the physical condition. There is an abnormality in chronic or rapidly progressing diseases (sepsis, cancer intoxication), and its presence, as a rule, indicates the severity of the patient's condition.