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Benign tumor, developing from the blood (hemangioma) or lymphatic (lymphangioma) vessels. The growth of the tumor is observed in children, which is then suspended.
There are following forms of angiomas.
1. Capillary, simple hemangioma is characterized by the expansion of capillaries. It has the appearance of separate reddish or bluish spots and is located more often on the face or on the body.
2. Cavernous (cavernous) hemangioma consists of large cavities filled with blood. It has the appearance of nodular formations of dark blue color, covered with thin skin or mucous membrane. Being located on the face, strongly disfigures the patient. It can develop on the head, in the muscles, the uterus, the spleen, and the liver.
3. Branched hemangioma consists of highly expanded, pulsating vessels. It has the appearance of clear swelling, quickly filled with blood after the cessation of compression.
Simple hemangiomas - irradiation with X-rays, cauterization with carbon dioxide or surgical excision within healthy tissues. Cavernous angiomas - by surgical excision or radium application. Hematopoietic hemi is also treated promptly: the stitching and dressing of the leading vessels and the excision of large trunks are performed.
Lymphangiomas get warmer less often with hemangiomas. A simple form develops in the muscles of the tongue, lips and represents small flat or slightly tuberous thickenings, painless, soft and disappearing under pressure. The cavernous form has the appearance of a diffuse swelling without sharp boundaries, a yellowish or reddish color. It is located on the cheeks, lips. The cystic form develops on the neck, in the mesentery of the intestines and consists of single or multiple cysts, elastic to the touch.
Treatment for cystic forms operative (excision). Simple and cavernous forms are treated by numerous punctures with a needle-shaped tip of the electrocoagulator.