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Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels

Atherosclerosis is a disease of the entire body, in which all the vessels are affected; In the walls they are deposited fat-like substance cholesterol and they lose their elasticity. With a significant amount of delayed cholesterol (plaque), the lumen of the vessel decreases, which also worsens blood circulation. Vascular disease of the brain manifests itself most often in the second half of life, after 50 years.
Symptoms and over:
There are three stages. The first stage of the disease is manifested by memory impairment, attention, headaches, general weakness, but all these phenomena are temporary - after rest and change of conditions pass, on professional qualities are not reflected. In the second stage, headaches are protracted, often accompanied by dizziness, weakness, irritability, memory is suffering more and more, and it is remembered with greater clarity, and recent events are forgotten. It is more difficult to perform duties that are usual for work, when reading a patient, it does not catch the sense, mistakes it, often returns to what has already been read, tries to strain the will and understands the text even worse. A good illustration of the growing forgetfulness is the search for points on your forehead. In the third stage, memory worsens even more, patients for a long time can not remember the main dates of their life or history, are professionally completely unsuitable. Manifestations of vascular sclerosis reach their apex in the form of strokes, heart attacks, dementia.
The first manifestations of the disease are headache, fatigue, memory disorders.
When establishing a diagnosis, the treatment should be comprehensive and preferably under the supervision of the same neurologist. It is necessary to maintain an active lifestyle: morning gymnastics, swimming pool and tennis all year round, skiing, hiking and cycling, be sure to walk 35-40 minutes in the evening before bedtime. The diet should be poor in carbohydrates and rich in animal proteins and vegetable fats (vegetable oil, boiled meat, game, ocean fish).
From medicines, prophylactic use of preparations of nicotinic acid, aspirin in small doses, lipostable, lipocerebrine is preferable. Of physiotherapy - electrosleep, bath with carbon dioxide. All this is carried out under strict supervision and only according to the doctor's prescription.