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ABC of curettage

"In most cases, scraping is performed for diagnostic purposes or for eliminating uterine bleeding," said Dorothy Barbo, MD, professor from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of New Mexico's School of Medicine, deputy director of the medical section of the Women's Health Center in Albuquerque. The operation is performed in case of bleeding during a break between menstruation, with excessively heavy menstruation or bleeding in menopause, i. E. In case of any bleeding, not normal for a woman, she explains. It is performed to remove polyps, small formations on the lining of the uterus, which can cause bleeding. "
And since abnormal bleeding may be a sign of cancer of the uterus, scraping is often done to rule out this possibility. "This is a very serious reason for the operation, and women are very anxious about it," says Dr. Barbo.
Scraping is also done in the case of incomplete spontaneous abortion and to remove the remaining fragments of the placenta. Usually it is performed in hospital conditions under general anesthesia, although sometimes with local anesthesia, outpatiently, as it was in Monica.
"For most women, scraping is too painful to produce without getting drowsy, because the enlargement of the cervix feels like birth pain," says Dr. Barbo. The cervix is ​​a tiny hole in the back of the vagina that is extremely sensitive, but anesthesia relieves pain completely.
After the cervix is ​​enlarged, the doctor uses the curette, which has the shape of a spoon, to scrape the walls of the uterus. All the removed tissues are carefully collected so that a microscopic examination can be performed.
After this procedure, it is necessary to abstain from sex within two weeks, continues Dr. Barbo. And you need a day to recover from anesthesia and regain strength. "
Although complications are rare, sometimes infection can occur or severe bleeding develops, if during the curettage the uterine wall has been damaged or punctured. Therefore, if you have chills, persistent abdominal pain or cramping, severe bleeding, weakness, dizziness, unusual or foul-smelling discharge from the vagina, contact your doctor immediately.