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Delirium tremens

it may be hot, especially if it is promoted kakielibo provoking hazard, however, may be harbingers. For 2-3 days before the onset of the disease is disturbed sleep, which becomes superficial, anxious, with nightmares. The patient wakes up in a sweat, anxiety. There may be a short-term illusory deceptions of perception: it seems to "live" drawing on the wallpaper, the image in the pictures, etc.
Sam psychosis usually develops in the evening. There is growing anxiety, excitement. There are deceptions of perception, visual and auditory. The patient begins to see not exist in the reality of things and events. Often see clusters of small animals (mice, rats, cats), insects (flies, cockroaches, bedbugs), rarely larger animals "like a zoo", devils (so they say - "dopilsya as hell"). Spotting hoaxes (hallucinations) can be single, multiple, or stsenopodobnymi. Can join auditory deceptions of perception - the "voices" of people devils. Since the patient is in a state of confusion, hallucinatory images for him are more relevant than actual events. Therefore, all the patient's behavior is determined by painful visions and "voices" rather than the real situation. The patient sees the mice and tries to escape from them: their beats, shouts, is taken from them on the bed, in the closet, she runs away from home. He does not distinguish real objects from the hallucinatory, so it can, for example, in self-defense to attack this police officer instead of seeming to him. Due to the fact that the patient - not the passive contemplative its deceptive perceptions, and an active participant in all "events", it is a danger to himself (can "escape" to go out of the window, jumping from a height, suicide) and for others (kill the "pursuer"). The patient is usually impaired orientation in place (do not know where), time (a day, day), but retained orientation in the self (knows his name, who he is, where he works, how old he is, and so on.).
Excitation reaches its climax at night. In the afternoon the same condition improves, sometimes up to a full "enlightenment" and the emergence of a migrated criticism episode. This fact should be taken into account and the sick, and medical personnel, as It does not exclude the possibility of aggravation of the state of the next night.
Name psychosis "delirium tremens" due to the fact that patients have a kind of common tremors with trembling hands, unsteady gait uncertain, illegible handwriting, slurred speech. Along with mental disorders are identified and somatoneurological: redness of the skin, severe sweating, heart rate, blood pressure fluctuations, acute toxic hepatitis or cirrhosis, increased tendon reflexes. Sometimes during psychosis marked convulsive seizures.
Delirium usually lasts 3-5 days, even without treatment. In severe concomitant somatic disorders - up to 10 days. Recovery at the abortive (short) delirium occurs after a long sleep. In other cases it requires medical intervention. Currently, deaths are rare, though possible in the case of serious violations of cardiovascular activity, liver failure, brain edema.
A patient in a state of delirium should be urgently hospitalized. The hospital is assigned therapy aimed at arresting excitation (tranquilizers, antipsychotics, barbiturates), as well as detoxification (cleansing of the body from alcohol metabolism products). Sometimes after a long sleep the patient wakes up almost healthy. In severe somatic state appointed means for maintaining the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys.