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The physiological process by which a cell develops from a fertilized fruit. In the body there are numerous and complex changes that create the conditions for fetal development, prepare the bodies of women to the generic act of breastfeeding and newborn.
Silttolsh and over. Recognition of pregnancy in the early stages is based on questionable and probable symptoms. Doubtful - a different kind of subjective feelings and purely external evidence: the whims of taste and smell, drowsiness, mild fatigue, skin pigmentation on the face, the white line of the abdomen, nipples, external genitalia. It likely features include: cessation of menstruation, breast enlargement and the emergence of colostrum during extrusion of the nipples, loosening and cyanosis vulval vestibule, of the vagina and cervix, and changing the shape of the uterine consistency, increasing its size, the positive biological response to pregnancy. Detection is performed by interviewing, palpation, inspection of the external genitalia and vaginal mucosa by means of mirrors and vaginal examination. Diagnostic methods are used, based on the determination of urinary gonadotropin beremennyhhorionicheskogo and its reaction with the antiserum. In the second half of pregnancy, there are signs, certainly indicative of the presence of the fetus in the uterus. These include: fetal movements felt by hand, listening to the heartbeat probing head, buttocks, legs, handles the data of X-ray studies, elektrofonokardiografii, ultrasound. delivery day can be calculated by adding 280 days to the date of the first day of the last menstrual period; or count from the first day of the last menstrual period 3 months ago and added to the resulting number of 7 days (Negele formula). Determination of fetal movements and listening to his heart sounds are usually possible only at the end of the 18th week of pregnancy in multiparous and nulliparous - 20 weeks. Install the true length of a woman's pregnancy is difficult: it is difficult to know the exact date of ovulation and fertilization time. However, in most cases, women bear a child 10 obstetric months (month - 28 days), or 280 days, if we start from the first day of the last menstrual period. Primary early turnout and regular monthly visits to the antenatal clinic significantly reduce the error rate in determining the duration of pregnancy and, therefore, the period of antenatal leave.