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Infertility: Causes and Treatment

Experts believe that women are three main causes of infertility: Problems with ovulation, changes in the fallopian tubes (obstruction) and endometriosis, a condition in which pieces of the endometrium lining the uterus are separated and grow in the lower abdomen. Male infertility is caused mainly by changes in the sperm or insufficient quantity.
In both men and women can be hereditary causes leading to infertility. Children of women who had taken during pregnancy artificial hormone dietilstilbestrol banned now, may have changes in the reproductive organs, affecting fertility. In some cases (from 3 to 20 percent) causes infertility remains unidentified.
Most couples who wish to be cured of infertility are treated with traditional methods, conservative and surgical, ranging from simple studies, the results of which help the spouses to choose the best time for conception, before surgical correction of deficiencies; infertility can relieve obstruction removal of pipes, the removal of fibroids, endometriosis treatment. If the problems associated with ovulation, can be assigned to drugs that stimulate ovulation, such klomifentsitrat (Clomid) and / or potent hormonal agent pergonal. Hormone therapy is used for endometriosis, and in some cases of male infertility. Other methods include:
Artificial insemination with sperm taken from the husband (if his sperm suitable for fertilization), or donor sperm (sperm if the husband does not contain or contains little live sperm).
In vitro fertilization, ovum when surgically retrieved from the woman's ovaries and transferred to the petri dish, where they are fertilized with sperm. The fertilized egg is then placed in the woman's uterus.
Transplantation Gamete pipe when surgically extracted egg with sperm female mixed and placed in the fallopian tube where fertilization takes place.
Transplantation zygotes when retrieved ova fertilized female embryos and placed in the fallopian tube through which they move into the uterus.