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Disease of the peak

- Limited pre-brain atrophy of the brain, mainly in the frontal and temporal lobes. The disease begins in 50-55 years, lasts 5-10 years, leading to total dementia. There may be an earlier and later beginning. Women get sick more often than men. Disease begins with personality changes. There is lethargy, apathy, the initiative disappears, the vividness of emotional reactions disappears. The productivity of thinking declines, the ability to abstract, generalize and comprehend is lost, criticism disappears to its state, behavior, and mode of life. Some patients experience euphoria with disinhibition of drives and loss of moral and moral attitudes. Speech becomes poor, with a progressive decline in vocabulary, stereotyped repetitions of the same words, phrases. There are gross violations of the letter: the handwriting, literacy, semantic expression is changing. The patient gradually ceases to recognize objects, understand their purpose (can not, for example, call a pen, a knife and what they are for), and therefore can not use them. Deep decline in intelligence leads to increased suggestibility and stereotypical imitation of others (their facial expressions, gestures, repetition of words behind them). If the patient does not disturb, then he mostly remains silent, or repeats the same movements or phrases.
With the development of the disease, memory impairments, especially the memorization of new information, leading to disruption of orientation in space, become more noticeable as well. In the final stage, there is a total disintegration of thinking, recognition, speech, writing, and skills. There comes a complete mental and physical helplessness (marasmus). The outlook is unfavorable. Death comes from various causes, usually as a result of infection.