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Abdominal pain

When suddenly and rapidly growing diseases of the abdominal cavity often caused complications (peritonitis, intra-abdominal bleeding) requiring immediate surgical care.
Symptoms that indicate a particular disaster in the abdominal cavity, are known as "acute abdomen". Naiboleerasprostranennymi diseases of the abdominal cavity, in which one can speak of "acute abdomen", are acute appendicitis, perforated gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer, acute cholecystitis, incarcerated hernia, acute intestinal obstruction, closed damage of the abdominal cavity, acute pancreatitis, a pipe rupture at an ectopic pregnancy , torsion of an ovarian cyst. For all these diseases are characterized by the fact that as the extension period from the onset of the disease until the rendering of the qualified medical care, the patient's condition worsens and increases the number of adverse outcomes.
Common symptoms for most of the diseases in this group include acute abdominal pain with some variations in strength, location, extent and nature (constant, cramping, and so on.). The pain can occur suddenly among full health, it may begin gradually, and only after a certain period of time to take sharp. The second symptom is nausea and vomiting, which sometimes are permanent and indomitable character. The majority of patients with acute abdominal observed delay chair and neothozhdenie gases.

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