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How are infectious patients from all other

The main distinguishing feature of the infectious patient lies in the fact that it allocates to the external environment pathogens, t. E. A source of infectious origin. Various infectious patients isolated environment contagion in different ways, depending on where the site of infection in the body:.... From the exhaled air by coughing, fever, urine from feces, etc., etc. It it is important to know how healthy people are infected, the ways and means of infection, what to do to prevent the spread of infection.
The second feature is that infectious disease is always accompanied by the general reactions of the organism:. Increase in body temperature, fever, toxic lesions of the nervous system, etc. Some infectious diseases may develop even psychological disorders.
The third feature - the acute infectious disease is very dynamic. Symptoms of the disease can quickly replace each other: for example, skin rash often appears and disappears quickly; disorders stool stored only for a few hours; can grow rapidly, and so the signs of dehydration. d. In this regard, there are often difficulties in both diagnosis and the need for emergency treatment of infectious patients even at home.
The fourth feature is that the subjective signs of recovery (no complaints) are often ahead of the full restoration of the disturbed functions disease. Often, in the period of recovery remain significant changes in individual organs and systems: heart (diphtheria, sore throat), colon (dysentery), liver (viral hepatitis), kidney (hemorrhagic fever) and others.