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More valuable than money

Of course, taking a break in a successful career is risky enough. In some professions, a five-year absence leads to a loss of qualifications. This can easily be corrected, if you follow the latest achievements, read the journals by profession; It is possible to complete advanced training courses, study independently and not lose contact with colleagues.
Undoubtedly, something has to be sacrificed. You will switch to one salary instead of two. But you can make major acquisitions before you leave work to buy a house, a car, furniture. Mardin's spouses did so. Perspective planning allowed them to continue to lead a fairly comfortable life in a good house, which they could afford for one salary, and have some simple pleasures.
"But the greatest pleasure," says Carol, is to sit at dinner with the whole family. It costs more than money can give. And I have it now. "
See also: Homework, Family with two working spouses.