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Cirrhosis of the lungs tubercular

The disease has a long character. Can be one-sided and two-sided. In either case, limited or widespread sclerotic changes are formed in the lung tissue, bronchi and vessels are deformed, the mediastinum organs are displaced, and in the neighboring regions of the lungs there is emphysema (increased airiness).
Symptoms and course:
Patients complain of significant shortness of breath, sometimes on attacks of an asthmatic nature, coughing with sputum discharge of an unpleasant smell, periodic hemoptysis. At the same time, the cardiovascular system is disrupted, the liver is enlarged, edema, ascites (fluid in the peritoneal cavity). Sometimes, cirrhosis of the lungs is accompanied by a non-tuberculous, peculiar liver and kidney damage called amyloidosis. In the lungs, during listening, many different wheezes are determined. The hemogram and ESR correspond to the process phase: exacerbation or subsidence. In sputum, mycobacterium tuberculosis may be absent for a long time, but appear when the process worsens. Radiographically, with cirrhosis, a massive compaction of the corresponding lobe of the lung is observed, with a trachea and a median shade in its direction, an emphysematous swelling of the lower lobe of the same or opposite lung.
Forecast is good for life. Even with systematic treatment, the disease lasts an extremely long time.