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To the bone were strong, they need calcium

Bone loss after menopause can not be prevented completely, but it can be slowed down, if included in the diet is sufficient calcium. Some scientists believe that the recommended daily intake of 800 mg is insufficient. They recommend 1,000 mg of calcium per day for women using estrogen replacement therapy, and 1,500 mg for women not taking hormones.
Calcium is most found in dairy products, especially in products with low fat content. The lower the fat in them, the more they can contain calcium. However, the necessary amount of calcium can be obtained not only from dairy products. source of calcium as well as vitamins and minerals, are many other types of food such as green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds. However, you should be aware that in some leafy vegetables, especially spinach and kale, contain a lot of oxalic acid, which binds calcium and thereby prevents its absorption.
Here is a list of foods that contain a lot of calcium: Food Number of Calcium (mg)% of normal low-fat yogurt 1 cup 448 56 Skim milk 1 cup 352 44 Low-fat fruit yogurt 1 cup 312 39 Whole milk 1 cup 288 36 Swiss cheese 1 oz 272 34 cheddar cheese 1 oz 200 25 Almonds (peeled) 1/4 cup 90 9 Broccoli (boiled) 1 83 8 escape kidney bean (boiled) 1/2 cup 64 6 Sesame oil 1 tbsp. 63 6 Salad spoon mustard 1/2 cup 52 5 Beet leaf (boiled) 1/2 cup 51 5 Cabbage (boiled) 1/2 cup 47 5 Sunflower Seeds (peeled) raw 1/4 cup 42 4 Red beans (boiled ) 39 4 1/4 cups