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Give yourself a break

If you have already achieved some of their goals in professional work and your financial situation allows, consider a break in work.
Arlene Rossen Cardozo calls this program a sequence of actions, a way to achieve all his plans, but not all at once. Simply put, you take a short leave of absence for a year, two, even five years, to be with your children while they are small, and then return to the labor market. This is one of the possibilities, which is best used if you have already achieved something. You are nothing sorry, you're going to come back to the profession.
Carol Marden became president of the company, engaged in research in the field of marketing in 33 years. A year later she became a mother for the first time. Her husband was also a specialist in marketing and has held high office. "Every weekend we hired a babysitter and a child for him went from Philadelphia to Baltimore, to her husband, she explains. We had a decent income, but lived quite crazy life. "
Then she did not want to completely give up the career. "Careers at the time was still a major for me, Carol recalls. I had a master's degree in management and has set itself the goal of becoming the president or a member of the Economic Council of the company. Fortunately, I made early in the goal. This was one of the reasons that I was able to leave the company after the birth of her second son. It was not a situation where the needs are about to come true is what you always wanted. I have reached the desired ".
She says that as a role model for her was US Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, who left her job for 5 years, to raise their young children.
"She is a well turned out, and I thought that I could not get worse, Carol says. I can still work out 20 or even 30 years. In five years, I think there are firms that can be interested in 40-year-old with a master's degree, the former once the president of the company. "