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A matter of choice

And yet many women choose the fate of a non-working mother and achieve success. For housewives of the 90s, as Parenting magazine notes for parents, it is of particular importance that many of them used to work, and they returned home on their own.
The result of a survey of 1,000 American mothers showed that women choose to go home and raise children because they want to be happy. At the same time, women who stayed at home because they did not see another opportunity for themselves, or because they followed in the footsteps of their mothers, felt unhappy. Studies in which a link was found between staying at home as housewives and ill health shows that a feeling of dissatisfaction with your role can be a determining factor.
"These days, the mother's remaining homes have proven that they are able to succeed in their professional lives, so now they can quit their job," says Susan Pope, PhD, head of the Family and Marriage Institute in Boulder, Colorado. But what if the woman is not sure? She will always be in doubt, maybe she does not want it, and maybe she can not. "
You should take a decision to become an unemployed mother as if you were choosing any other career. The confidence that your decision will be of great benefit to you and your family helps a lot. It does not matter what others think, you know that you are doing a very important thing. In the end, you stay at home not in order to glitter the floors, but to look after your children, educate them.
"My classes bring me great satisfaction," says Nancy Geyter. I help my children to find the right ways in life, I advise how to learn to distinguish between good and bad. I help them choose their future profession, healing their spiritual and physical wounds. I found what I want most in life. If I achieve what I want, I will fulfill the most important goal of my life. But I will lie if I say that I never want to return to work. There is something very attractive in getting money for your work. "