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Disorder in the patient's condition associated with spasmodic and fast evacuation of food from the stomach. The main symptoms: general weakness attacks immediately after a meal or after 10-15 minutes - "early afternoon syndrome." When "Late afternoon syndrome" these phenomena occur after 2-3 hours after a meal, usually after drinking sugary drinks, confectionery, milk, fatty foods, accompanied by dizziness, fever, sweating skin, heartbeat. Blood pressure may increase or decrease. Chair, prone to diarrhea. Under spoon patients note the severity of pain. In severe dumping syndrome after a meal may be fainting, develop cachexia (wasting); disturbed protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism with the development of degeneration of the internal organs; fatigue, unstable mood, insomnia.
With the deterioration - in the hospital. At least two times a year courses of B vitamins, folic and ascorbic acid. Natural gastric juice 1 teaspoon to 1 / 4-1 / 3 cups of water, drink slow sips during meals. Enzyme preparations: pancreatin, panzinorm, mezim forte, festal. When expressed pain gastrotsepinpo 1 tab. before breakfast and dinner, anticholinergics drugs of atropine, platifillin, metacin. Eating 5 times a day. Exclude from the diet of sweet, flour products, milk. We must start with solid food, liquid finishing, which is limited in quantity. After the meal, lie down for 15-30 minutes. Eat mostly foods boiled in small portions, carefully chewing. Not recommended for hot and cold dishes.