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In the world there is no other thing, so fraught with emotional explosions, like money. They cause most disputes, they are associated with the strongest grievances, they cause envy, and they stand in the first place in family problems.
Think about it. What does money mean to you? Independence? The ability to control events? A sense of confidence? Power? Security? Happiness?
Psychologists argue that these are the most common motivations for the actions of individuals seeking to get more money. What is included in our attitude to money, our fear of losing them? "To a greater extent it is based on the experience gained as a child," says Victoria Felton-Collins, Ph.D., a psychologist and a certified specialist in finance planning.
Remember how your parents treated money. What role did your mother play in making financial decisions? Were you rich, poor, or middle-class? All this should have had some influence on your current attitude towards money.
"But there's one more thing that matters: your gender," notes Dr. Felton-Collins. The fact that you are a woman, in all likelihood, will make your attitude to money different from that of your brothers, and perhaps not like your husband. This difference in views on money can itself be a source of conflict. "

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