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Disinfection and decontamination - a complex of measures aimed at the destruction of pathogens of infectious diseases in the external environment and the interruption of the infectious beginning pathways.
Disinfection is divided into preventive and focal. In carrying out preventive disinfection involved a special service to run on water supply facilities, sanitation, factories, harvested animal feed in places of constant concentration of people and so forth. Focal disinfection is carried out in the centers of infection, ie, at the place of residence or work sick. By its conduct attracted workers outpatient ucherezhdeny.
Alopecia disinfection may be present, which is performed in the environment of the patient, and the final pursued the hearth after its recovery, hospitalization or death.
When the infections, which patients can be treated at home (see section "What infectious patients are treated at home and in the hospital), the current and final disinfection is carried out of the patient's relatives (after appropriate instruktozha specialists).
Current disinfection provides continuous disinfection of patient discharge (excrement, vomit, sputum, urine, etc.), Household items, personal items, etc.
Final disinfection always requires special care of. It is considered timely in conducting for 6 hours in urban areas and 12 hours in a rural area.
Various physical, chemical and other methods used for disinfection.
Mechanical methods of disinfection. Mechanical methods of disinfection of the most simple and accessible. This sweeping, cleaning, tapping out, washing all kinds of subjects with frequent change of water, wet cleaning, airing and ventilation of premises, use a vacuum cleaner to remove micro-organisms from a variety of surfaces, air filtration and water. These methods can only reduce the number of germs.
disinfecting effect is enhanced if combined with mechanical means by boiling, soaking in disinfectant solution.
Boiling - simple, affordable and reliable method of disinfection of objects that do not deteriorate in boiling water. It is widely used for disinfecting utensils, spittoons, boats, clothes, towels, robes, food debris.
Most bacteria are killed by boiling water or instantly, or within 2-5 minutes. Some viruses (hepatitis B, C), anthrax spores are killed only 60 minutes after tetanus spores 3 hours and botulinum spores - after 6 hours. The disinfectant action of boiling water amplified by adding 2% solution of baking soda or soap.
Heating to higher temperatures results in the death of all microorganisms, including spore forms. It is used for fast disinfection of metal objects in the form of calcination over the flame of a gas burner, burning alcohol swab. So it is possible to disinfect cans, metal objects (scissors, tweezers, pliers, etc.).
The fire is used to burn the infected items that are of no value: waste paper, rubbish, rags, bandages, etc.
Ultraviolet rays (UV) have a high bactericidal capacity. The inclusion of the UV lamps should be carried out on schedule, to the house knew all about it, because ultraviolet rays can cause painful phenomenon - acute conjunctivitis, skin burns. Light from the lamp is directed at the ceiling or wall.
Possess good disinfecting sunlight, which depends mainly on the ultraviolet part of the spectrum. On sunny days, it is advisable to hang the laundry out on the patient.
Chemical methods of disinfection are the main methods of disinfection in the care of patients. At present, market is full of a variety of imported disinfectants. Each drug is enclosed detailed instructions. It proposed a series of chemical agents that are available, have low toxicity, are relatively cheap and are suitable for use at the bedside.
Bleach - white crystalline powder with a pungent smell of chlorine. The disinfecting effect of bleach due to the release of chlorine. Bleach used for disinfection in case of intestinal, airborne infections, zoonoses, tetanus. It is used as a dry powder, a solution of 20% slurry (lime-chlor "milk"). Dry powder is used for disinfection of feces, vomit, phlegm. It makes little practical sense to use dry bleach for sprinkling facilities, tracks, sex.
Chlorinated lime is added in a ratio of 1 / 5-1 / 10 volume of disinfecting a substrate, and then mixed with it. Chlor-lime "milk" on standing gave a precipitate. The supernatant (clarified solution) is kept up to 5 days. It is used for working solutions in a concentration of 0.5% to 10% depending on the volume coming disinfection. disinfection time dry bleach faeces at least 2 hours, food debris - 1 hour. Disinfection clarified 0.5% - 10% bleach solution can be carried out by wiping with a cloth (plastic, wooden toys, health products, etc..) With an exposure of 45-60 minutes, then pour these items under running water. Permitted for sale to the public.
Dvutretiosnovnaya calcium chloride salt (DTSGK) - a preparation similar to bleach, but containing 50% of active chlorine. Maybe a long time stored (2-3 years). Applied as clear solutions of 0.1% -15% concentration as bleach.
Chloramine (BHB) - white or slightly yellowish powder with a faint smell of chlorine. It contains up to 30% of active chlorine. It can be stored for years at home, without reducing its activity. Unlike bleach chloramine does not destroy tissue paint. It is used as a solution of 0.2% -10% concentration for the disinfection of hands, brushes, tableware and so on.
Dezam. The powder is white or yellowish color with chlorine smell. Contains 13% available chlorine, do not spoil disinfected objects. Stable, the shelf life of 12 months. It is active against various bacteria and viruses. Low toxicity. Used at a concentration of 0.25% -1% with an exposure of 15 minutes to s hours. Approved for sale to the public. The solution is prepared at the rate of 1 tablespoon (25 g) for 5 liters of water.
Dichloro-1. The powder is white or slightly yellow in color with a faint chlorine odor. The preparation contains a potassium salt of dichloroisocyanuric acid (7%, based on the active chlorine). It is active against many bacteria and viruses. 1.2% solutions used with an exposure 15-20 minutes, in particular for disinfection of laundry. Low toxicity. Approved for sale to the public.
Hlortsin. white powder with chlorine odor. The active principle is sodium and potassium salts dichloroisocyanuric acid. Shelf life 12 months. It is active against bacteria and viruses. Low toxicity. Apply 0.5% -1% solution with an exposure of 1-2 hours. Do not spoil disinfected objects. Approved for sale to the public. Low toxicity. At home, prepare the rate of 2 tablespoons (50 grams) per 5 liters of water.
Detergents disinfectant action. To disinfect laundry use 'Dezhlor "," Universal "," Ural "," Vita "," Sana "," Squirrel "); dining area and kitchen ware - "dishwashing"; sanitary and posudohozyaystvennyh products - "Shine", "Kama", "Cleaning", "Dzhalita", "Sanita". All these drugs are produced domestically.
Hydrogen peroxide - colorless clear odorless liquid. Hydrogen peroxide is a strong oxidant, and thereby destroys microorganisms. It is used for disinfection in the form of 1% and 2% solutions with exposure to bacteria. Solutions of hydrogen peroxide is unstable, not stored for more than 2 days, it is better that the temperature of the solution was about 50 C, then the activity of the hydrogen peroxide increases. It is used for washing of wounds, rinsing, disinfecting utensils, etc. Paints under the influence of hydrogen peroxide can discolor. Hydrogen peroxide in a concentration of 1% -2% is allowed for sale to the public.
Ethanol is used mostly in a concentration of 70%. It is used for disinfection of skin with injections, sterilized tweezers and other tools.
Substances used for the chemical disinfection toxic. All disinfectants listed here can be used in the hospital. Houses in infectious patient bed is subject to the drugs that are approved for sale to the public: bleach, dezam, dichloro-1, Hlortsin, hydrogen peroxide in the 2% solution. When using chemical disinfectants need to strictly comply with the instructions that came with the drug.