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Diet N3

Indication: with constipation.
Technology of preparation: the food is cooked mostly unmilled, boiled in water or steam, baked. Vegetables and fruits are consumed both in raw and in boiled form. Food should consist mainly of vegetables, fresh and dried fruits, bread products, cereals, sour-milk drinks.
Permitted by:
Bread - wheat from a meal of coarse grinding: "doctoral", "health", crisp bread (soaked), rye. Dry biscuits, baked cakes.
Soups - mainly from vegetables on a meat broth, cold fruit and vegetable soups, borsch, beetroots, soup from fresh cabbage.
Meat and poultry - low-fat varieties of various types of meat, chicken, turkey boiled or baked, chunk or chopped. Frankfurters.
Fish - low-fat species, boiled or baked; Dishes from sea products.
Dishes and side dishes from vegetables - various kinds of vegetables and herbs, Ikeis sauerkraut, especially recommended beets.
Dishes and side dishes from flour, cereals, legumes, crumbly and semi-viscous cereals, puddings, casseroles. Macaroni products are boiled and in the form of casseroles, especially dishes from buckwheat groats are recommended. From legumes: green peas, bean curd.
Eggs-no more than one egg per day, it is best only in dishes.
Fruits, berries, sweet dishes and sugary products are especially recommended melons, plums, figs, apricots, prunes, sugar, jam, especially rowan, honey, compotes (especially rhubarb), mousse, fruit candy.
Milk, dairy products and dishes of them - milk (with tolerability
- sweet), sour cream, cottage cheese, yogurt, one-and two-day kefir, acidophilus milk, cheeses.
Sauces and spices - dairy, sour cream on vegetable broth, fruit and berry gravies.
Fats - butter, vegetable oils in dishes.
Snacks - salads from raw vegetables, vinaigrettes with vegetable oil, vegetable salad, fruit salads, mild cheese, lean ham, herring soaked, meat and fish are flooded.
Drinks - tea, coffee from substitutes, broth from a dogrose and wheaten bran, fruit and vegetable juices (from plums, apricots, carrots, tomatoes).
Prohibited are:
Bread from high-grade flour, flaky and buttery dough, fatty meat and fish varieties, duck, goose, smoked meat and fish, canned fish and meat, hard boiled and fried eggs (rice and semolina), radish, radish, garlic, Onion, turnips, mushrooms, kissel, blueberry, quince, dogwood, chocolate, cream products, hot and fatty sauces, horse-radish, mustard, pepper, cocoa, black coffee, strong tea, animal and cooking fats, alcoholic beverages.