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Diet N 4

Indication: acute diseases and sharp exacerbation of chronic intestinal diseases with severe diarrhea.
Technology of preparation: the dishes are liquid and semi-liquid, wiped, boiled in water and steamed. The food is normal. It is recommended to eat food four times a day, at the same time.
Drinks - tea without milk, cocoa on the water with a small amount of milk.
Bread products - wheat bread white and gray yesterday's baking, unmarked sorts of bakery products and cookies, white bread rolls.
Snacks - cheese is mild, low-fat herring, pate meat of home cooking.
Milk and dairy products - low-fat freshly prepared cottage cheese, steam souffle, three-day kefir, acidophilus milk, sour cream in a small amount as a seasoning.
Fats - fresh butter 5 grams per dish, melted, olive.
Eggs and egg dishes - eggs soft-boiled to one a day, scrambled eggs and dishes. Soups - on skimmed weak meat and fish broth with addition
Mucous decoctions of cereals (semolina, rice), cooked and ground meat, steam knels and meatballs, egg flakes, homemade noodles, vermicelli.
Meat and fish dishes - various products from low-fat beef, veal, lean fish, passed through a meat grinder, it is better to cook steamed, do not crumble in breadcrumbs, soufflé from boiled meat, minced meat.
Cereals and pasta - mashed porridge on water or fat-free broth - rice, oats, buckwheat, from cereal flour, in the form of baked puddings and cutlets from cereals without crust, pasta and vermicelli boiled.
Vegetables and greens - puree from various vegetables, puddings, vegetable patties, baked or fried without crust, cabbage boiled colored with butter, early zucchini, pumpkin stew. The early raw greens, dill and parsley are finely chopped into various dishes.
Fruits and berries - from fresh and dried fruits and berries puree, jelly, jelly, mousse, jam. Sugar, sweets.
Juices - fruit, berry and vegetable raw juices, in a warm form, half diluted with water or tea, in limited quantities. Decoction of hips and wheat bran.
Prohibited: products from dough and warm dough, fatty meat and fish varieties, pickles, smoking, marinades, meat, fish and other canned snacks, sausages, cold drinks, ice cream, vegetables and fruits in kind, millet, pearl barley, Coffee with milk, carbonated drinks, mustard, horseradish, pepper, mushrooms, chocolate, products with cream, beans.