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Diet N 6

Indications: gout, urolithiasis with stone formation of uric acid salts.
Technology of preparation: cooking of regular, mandatory decoction excluded meat and fish. food temperature normal.
Soups - vegetarian: borsch, soup, vegetable, potato, with the addition of cereals, milk, cold (okroshka, beetroot, fruit).
Meat, poultry, fish - low-fat species in a week to 3 times in 150 g of boiled meat or 160-170 g of boiled fish. After boiling is used for cooking various dishes (steamed, baked, fried).
Dairy products: milk, milk drinks, cheese, meals out of it, sour cream, cheese.
Eggs - 1 egg per day in any cooking.
Cereals - all in moderation.
Vegetables - in large amounts, and in any raw cooked. Limit salty and pickled. Dill, parsley.
Snacks - salads with fresh and pickled vegetables, fruit, vinaigrettes, vegetable caviar, squash, eggplant.
Fruits, berries, sweets - in an increased amount of fruits and berries, fresh and after heat treatment, dried fruit, honey, non-chocolate candy, jam, marmalade, candy, marshmallows.
Drinks - tea with lemon, milk, coffee with milk rather weak, broth hips, wheat bran, fruit juices, berries, vegetables, fruit drinks, kvass, compotes.
Fats - butter, ghee, vegetable oil.
Excluded are: meat, fish and mushroom broth, spinach, legumes, liver, kidney, tongue, brains, smoked meats, sausages, salted fish, canned food, caviar, salted and spicy cheeses, mushrooms, cauliflower, chocolate, raspberry, cranberry, pepper, horseradish, mustard, cocoa, strong tea and coffee, cooking and other fats of animal origin.