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N 7 Diet

Indications: acute nephritis in the recovery period (3-4 weeks of treatment), chronic nephritis without exacerbation and without renal failure.
Technology of preparation: boiled meat and fish, moderate sparing chemical, food temperature is normal. On the day consume 100-150 g of meat or fish, whole or chopped.
Bread and flour products: salt-free bread, pancakes and pancakes without salt by leaps and bounds.
Soups - vegetarian with vegetables, potatoes, cereals; fruit, dairy limited, add butter, sour cream, dill, parsley, citric acid, onion after boiling.
Meat and poultry - lean beef, veal, meat and trimmed pork, lamb, rabbit, chicken, turkey, after boiling can be baked or lightly fry language.
Fish - nonfat, after boiling, you can bake, fry, can filler.
Dairy products - milk, cream, milk drinks, cottage cheese and cheese dishes, sour cream.
Eggs - 2 pcs. daily boiled or scrambled eggs, can be added to food.
Cereals - various cereals and pasta in any preparation.
Vegetables - potatoes and vegetables in any preparation.
Snacks - without pickles vinaigrettes, salads, fresh vegetables and fruits.
Fruits, vegetables, sweet dishes - a variety of fruits and berries raw or boiled, stewed fruit, jelly, oils, jellies, honey, jam, candy.
Drinks - tea, weak coffee, fruit and vegetable juices, broth hips.
Fats - unsalted butter, cow's ghee and refined vegetable oils.
Excluded are: bread ordinary baking, meat, fish, mushroom and bean soups, fatty meats and fish, sausages, canned fish and meat, smoked meats, sausages, eggs, cheese, beans, onion, garlic, turnip, radish, spinach, salted, marinated and pickled vegetables, mushrooms, chocolate, pepper, mustard, horseradish, strong coffee, cocoa, mineral water, rich in sodium, alcohol.
In severe acute nephritis, or in the early days with mild food diet is corrected: eliminate completely the salt, the amount of fluid per day should not exceed the amount withdrawn urine over the previous day, or no more than 300 ml, food to take at least 6 times a day, quantity of cooked meat or fish is not more than 50-60 grams per day, they can replace 60 grams of cheese or milk cream.
In severe renal insufficiency, the patient's blood purification using "artificial kidney" (dialysis) preparing food without salt, the absence of edema and hypertension patient per day may be given 2.3 g of salt-free liquid is not consumed in a 0.8-1 L day, salt-free bread
- 150-200 g per day, meat or fish - 100 g per day, per day can be used up to 140 g of milk, 140 g sour cream, cottage cheese 25g. Food taken 6 times a day.
The recovery period for acute nephritis and chronic nephritis without exacerbation per day the patient can use 36 grams of salt with the full salt-free cooking.