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Dysentery, salmonellosis and other acute intestinal infections

Stool disorder (diarrhea) or frequent bowel movements with changes in stool character (from mucous to watery), sometimes with the appearance of mucus and blood, is one of the characteristic signs of acute intestinal infections (dysentery, salmonellosis, escherichiosis, acute gastroenteritis, acute Enterocolitis, food poisoning, staphylococcal poisoning and others).
Cause. Dysentery is caused by bacteria called shigella, having more than 40 variants. In modern conditions, Shigella Flexner and Sonne are most common. Other OCs are caused by other bacteria called salmonella, staphylococcus, etc.
The main source of infection in dysentery and other OCI are patients, as well as bacterial carriers (persons with an erased form of infection), which excrete the pathogen into the external environment with feces.
In salmonellosis, the sources of the causative agent of infection are mainly domestic animals (cattle, pigs, poultry), the meat of which is infected. Salmonella is often found in eggs of poultry - ducks (especially), chickens. Infection occurs more often in the warm season with a violation of food processing technology and improper storage. Salmonella, after getting into food, multiply rapidly. The number of microbes reaches a level that is sufficient for infection. When eating infected foods after 6 hours - 3 days (latent, incubation period), the disease begins.
The source of infection in staphylococcal poisoning is a person who has pustular skin lesions: panaritium, suppurating wound of the wrist, etc. It is especially dangerous if pustular diseases are present in confectioners, cooks, etc. Staphylococcus grows well and quickly on sweet foods (cream, Jelly, compote, etc.). When multiplying, it emits poison (toxin). If a person consumes food in which there is a staphylococcal toxin, then in a few hours the disease begins.
The process of development of the disease. The immediate cause of the disease are the toxins of bacteria that enter the gastrointestinal tract with products or are secreted by microbes that have appeared in it. Toxins act on various parts of the nervous system and cause fluid from the tissues to enter the lumen of the intestine. Shigella, salmonella and some esherichia, in addition, penetrate into the intestinal mucosa, there multiply, causing tissue damage, erosion and marked inflammation.
In the gastrointestinal tract, microbes are constantly found. They play a protective role, preventing the attachment and penetration of pathogenic microbes into the intestinal mucosa. When intestinal infections, taking antibiotics and other chemotherapy drugs, the number and composition of intestinal microbes varies, dysbacteriosis develops, which in itself leads to digestion and upsetting of the stool.
Signs. Virtually all OCI caused by various pathogens, the leading manifestation is a disorder of the stool. Vomiting is often observed. She is preceded by nausea. After a vomiting there comes a feeling of relief. In OCI, a disorder of the stool is combined with signs of intoxication and an increase in body temperature.
Recognition of the disease. The leading manifestation of any OCI is the defeat of the stomach and intestines of varying degrees of severity combined with intoxication. With a significant loss of fluid with vomiting and loose stool, dehydration develops. An informative method that allows you to clarify the presence and localization of painful changes in the intestines is the examination of feces.
The most common and serious for the consequences of acute intestinal infection is dysentery. It should be suspected in the case of any febrile illness, accompanied by a disorder of the stool. Since the causative agents of dysentery affect predominantly the large intestine, the signs of its defeat are periodic cramping pains in the lower abdomen, more often in the left ileum, false urges for defecation, tenesmus, a feeling of incomplete liberation of the bowels after defecation, frequent stools, severe Disease - a non-viral, consisting of some products of inflammation of the colon - mucus, blood, convincingly indicate this disease.
To finalize the diagnosis or to decipher unclear cases, stool culture is performed to identify the pathogen, in some cases a blood test is performed.
Treatment. The primary task for any OCI is to compensate for the loss of fluid and salts in accordance with the degree of dehydration. To this end, it is recommended to drink, but not any liquid, and a solution - 1 teaspoon of table salt, 4 teaspoons of sugar per 1 liter of drinking water. The solution is taken in a slightly cooled form for 100-150 ml every 20-30 minutes with a total volume of 1.5 times the loss of fluid with vomit and feces. The solution is continued until the diarrhea stops. To compensate for the loss of fluid and salts, the remedron, tsitraglukosolan or gastrolith preparations that are diluted immediately before consumption in 1 liter of freshly boiled chilled water are more effective and effective.
To influence the pathogenic microbes and reduce the flow of water and salts into the intestine from the tissues, bacterial biological preparations enterol or bioleviers are taken, taken 1 capsule or a sachet (in a small amount of water) 2 times a day.
A good effect is observed when taking broths of a blood-grouse or kalgan.
Decoction of blood-grooming medicinal - 2 tablespoons of rhizome and roots are poured with 2 glasses of hot water, boil on low heat for 30 minutes, cool for 10 minutes, filter and squeeze, take 1 tablespoon 6 times a day after meals.
Broth kalgan wild (cinquefoil erect) - 1 tablespoon chopped rhizomes kalgan pour 1 glass of water at room temperature, boil for 15 minutes, cool, filter, take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for 1 hour before meals.
Antibiotics and other chemotherapeutic agents for many OCIs are not shown and often even delay the disease due to developing dysbiosis. Therefore, their appointment should be performed only by a physician, which should be treated when signs of OCI appear.
Patients are recommended bed rest and a sparing diet (rice porridge on the water, sweet tea, grated apples, sour-milk products) with its rapid expansion as the general condition improves and the stool is normalized. In this case, products that enhance fermentation (whole milk, black bread, beans, beets, cucumbers, cabbage) are not recommended.
The apartment, especially in the bathroom, must be disinfected with chlorine-containing drugs.
Hospitalization is subject to patients with severe disease, high fever, with the presence of chronic diseases, the lack of conditions for treatment at home.
Examination. For those who have been ill with OCI for 1-2 months, medical supervision is carried out.
After dysentery, persistent constipation often occurs. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to include in the food products that have a laxative effect - prunes, carrot or beet pulp, solid apples, compote, crumbly buckwheat porridge. Normalization of the functional state of the intestine is facilitated by some infusions of herbs:
Collection I. The buckthorn bark is alder-shaped - 60 g, the fruit of licorice naked - 20 g, the fruit of anise ordinary - 10 g, the fruit of fennel ordinary - 10 g. The infusion is consumed in the morning and in the evening by 0.5 cups with the delay of the stool.
Collection II. Bark of buckthorn alder - 20 g, blackberry flowers - 20 g, fruits of anise ordinary - 10 g, fruits of fennel ordinary - 20 g. Infusion apply 1 glass 2 times a day after meals.
Collection III. Leaves peppermint - 20 grams, chamomile flowers pharmacy - 30 grams, rhizome root of marsh - 15 g, fruits of fennel ordinary - - 15 g. Warm infusion is consumed 3 times a day after meals with bloating and spasms of the intestines.
After treatment with antibacterial drugs in the presence of signs of dysbacteriosis (bloating, frequent withdrawal of gases, loosening of the stool), carrots, blueberries, raspberries, currants, rosehips, sour-milk products are recommended to restore normal intestinal microflora.
Prevention of disease. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, the use of benign water and products.
For persons in contact with patients with dysentery, medical supervision is established within 7 days. Children who attend pre-school children's institutions are given a stool of feces.