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In Hollywood, they love movies about strong male friendship. Among the most memorable movie stories about Platonic love are those in which Newman and Redford, Gibson and Glover, Hoffman and Cruz played, not to mention the various reincarnations of Brat Pak. It's funny that in these pictures such relationships are extolled, which, according to researchers, are encountered in real life as often as hockey fights without swinging their fists.
Lilian Rubin, Ph.D., a researcher at the Institute for Social Change at the University of California at Berkeley, is studying the role of friendship, which she calls an undervalued relationship. She says that the friendship that really deserves to be written about and written about is female friendship.
"Women throughout their lives support closer friendships than men," notes Dr. Rubin, who interviewed 300 men and women to find out whether they support friendly ties and the nature of these ties. I think this may be one of the reasons that widowed men die faster or are more prone to disease. It's not that men can not cook and fry, but that they do not have close relationships, even with children. Widowed women for the most part continue to live, maintaining close relationships with other people, having friends, and this enriches them and fills their life with meaning. "
The ability of women to keep friendship can even be one of the reasons why they live longer than men. Since the 1970s, one study after another has shown that friendship and communication with other members of society are good for health. Many of them suggested that a person without social ties is doomed. In 1979, two researchers who studied the health and social connections of 5,000 residents in Alamida County, California found that they can predict who can die within nine years of the survey, simply by calculating how little social ties they have. These and other studies looked so convincing that the California Department of Health developed a program aimed at encouraging the people of the state to "find a friend" because "friends can be the best medicine."
Indeed, the researchers concluded that social connections may change the biochemistry of the body, protecting us from many deadly diseases from tuberculosis to cancer and heart disease.

Infectious diseases for all
Women Health
Infectious diseases
Surgical diseases
Eye diseases
Diseases of the ear, throat, nose
Skin diseases
Venereal diseases
Nervous diseases
Mental illnesses
Childhood diseases
First aid
Surgical diseases
Acute poisoning
Medicinal products
Lab tests
Modern research methods
Physiotherapeutic procedures
Dietary food
Spa treatment
Internal illnesses