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Friends as a medicine

One of the best medicines that you can find for yourself, it's communication with others in registered Go informal support group. The American Cancer Society is sponsoring a series of educational programs, such as "I can cope with it," and in many hospitals and cancer centers have their own support groups, some of which combine a certain type of cancer patients.
Sipollini Joanne has worked in several of these groups, including a group for women with breast cancer. "The support group provides our patients and the necessary knowledge and communication, she says. Only here you can frankly talk about everything that you feel, say what you can not tell family members and friends. According to one of the women, "people who do not have cancer, do not have a clue what we feel. You know very well what I did not think I'm abnormal ":
There is even reason to believe that the support group not only improve the quality of life, but also can prolong it. A team of researchers from Stanford University, studied the effect of supporting the quality of life of women with breast cancer in the last stage, was amazed to find that the women who attended support groups lived twice as long compared to the unvisited. No one expected anything like this.
"Communication works for you, teaches his patients, Dr. Holland. There is credible evidence that people feel part of a group or one half of the couple or have friends easily manage to carry a chronic disease like cancer. And a number of observations clearly showed that isolation and loneliness increase mortality from all diseases. "