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Multiple pregnancy occurs when the fertilized egg cells of two or more (fraternal twins), or in the development of embryos from a single fertilized cell (identical twins).
Symptoms and over:
Multiple pregnancies occur more often than starshezhenschina. It may occur, however there are often spontaneous abortions, premature births, toxicosis pregnant. But even with an uncomplicated pregnancy, a woman may feel tired, there are shortness of breath, frequent urination, constipation due to a significant increase in size of the uterus. The development of the fruit usually more or less the same, the difference in their weight is small, there is sometimes pronounced unevenness until the death of the second fetus. Location in the uterus may be different: increasingly, both the fetus are in longitudinal position and cephalic presentation.
Based on the dynamic observation. Ultrasound diagnosis helps clarify the diagnosis in the earliest period of time (2-3 weeks).
Childbirth twins often occur normally. There are complications, delayed rupture of membranes, and loss of small parts of the first fetus, uterine inertia forces due to uterine distension, hypoxia fruit (see asphyxia.), Premature detachment of the second fetal placenta after the birth of the first (see Premature detachment of the placenta.), Late membranes rupture the second fetus, hypotonic bleeding in the early postpartum period (see. bleeding during labor and after birth). If you have any complications during the first expulsion of the fetus accelerate its extraction for pelvic end or operational methods - forceps, carefully tie up the ends of the fruit and the mother of the umbilical cord, to the second fetus died from blood loss, since twins has a total circulation. After 10-20 minutes at the resumption of fights reveal fetal bladder second fetus (amniotic fluid released slowly!) And give birth the natural flow.
In the second transverse position of the fetus is carried to rotate the leg. This manipulation and immediate extraction also produced in the event of fetal hypoxia or bleeding from the birth canal at the location of the head above the entrance to the pelvis; if it is in the pelvic cavity, impose forceps. When breech fetus is extracted by the leg or the groin fold. Special attention should be paid the postpartum period. It is necessary to carefully monitor the status of the woman in childbirth, the amount of blood discharge from the genital tract, uterine tone, as probably due to its stretching hypotonic bleeding.