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Emotional disturbances

For somatic diseases characterized by greater reduction infused with various shades: anxiety, sadness, apathy. In the occurrence of depression are closely intertwined impact of psychological trauma (injury-disease itself), somatogenically (illness as such) and the personal characteristics of the patient. The clinical picture of depression is variable depending on the nature and stage of the disease and the predominant role of one or another factor. Thus, long-term course of the disease depressed mood may be associated with dissatisfaction, grouchy, picky, capriciousness.
If in the early stages of the disease is more common anxiety, fear, sometimes with suicidal thoughts, then the long-term severe disease may prevail indifference with a tendency to ignore the disease. Much less common mood enhancement in the form of complacency, euphoria. The emergence of euphoria, especially in severe somatic diseases (cancer, heart attack) is not a sign of recovery, and "harbinger" of adverse outcome and usually occurs due to oxygen starvation of the brain. The emergence of euphoria usually accompanied by anosognosia (the denial of the disease), which represents a serious danger to the patient due to undercount their severity of their condition and, as a consequence, napravilnogo behavior.