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Purulent inflammation of the inner membranes of the eye.
It is a consequence of eye disease, trauma, accompanies other purulent processes in neighboring or remote organs, the infection of which spreads through the blood.
Symptoms and course:
Characteristic pain in the eye. Vision is sharply reduced, up to light sensation. Eyelids are edematous. Conjunctiva red, like eyelids, edematous. There is a corneal edema. In the anterior chamber there is a level of pus (hypopion). Iris is dirty, its dilated vessels are visible. The eye pressure is reduced, the eye is soft to the touch. The process develops sharply, acquires a sometimes protracted, chronic course, possibly the development of panophthalmitis (see).
Mandatory in the hospital. Intensive local and general antibiotic and anti-inflammatory therapy. Under the conjunctiva introduce: monomycin 50,000 units, 20-40 mg gentamycin sulfate, 50-100 mg ampicillin, 5 g polymyxin sulfate B, 50 mg kanamycin. These drugs are injected under the eye (parabulbarpo) or behind the eye (retrobulbarno). The anterior chamber is washed with trypsin solution, with a weak antibiotic solution. In the vitreous are injected 0.1 ml (2000 ED) of benzylpenicillin sodium salt, 1 mg streptomycin. General treatment: Benzylpenicillin sodium salt to 250,000 units every 4 hours intramuscularly, 4% gentamicin solution at 40 mg. Intravenous - benzylpenicillin sodium salt, ristomycin sulfate. Inside are recommended: erythromycin according to 0.25 g, metacycline hydrochloride by 0.3 g, levomycetin by 0.5 g; Sulfonamides: sulfadimezin 1 g 4 times a day, sulfapiridazine sodium 2 g in the 1 st day and 0.5-1 g for the next 5-7 days. Corticosteroid, detoxifying, desensitizing and resorptive therapy is used. In severe cases, a surgical removal of a part of the vitreous body (vitreoectomy) is performed. As a result of endophthalmitis, the eyeball may diminish in size (subatrophy or atrophy of the eye). The prognosis with endophthalmitis is always serious. Even if you manage to cope with inflammation - the visual functions suffer significantly.