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If your husband leaves you

If everything is the other way around and your husband dissolves the marriage, you will be even more painful.
"When your husband tells you he wants a divorce, you feel ever so hard not to feel a sense of rejection, says Dr. Ahronz. It does not matter how much he tries to soften the blow, the fact remains that he does not want you anymore. Usually this causes a loss of confidence, particularly for those who are married have found myself.
Women usually go through a period when they lose their self-image and the need to re-find themselves. Such trauma can give impetus to the development of personal qualities. I once heard a woman proudly announced: "This week I caught with my checkbook" and "On the whole, I should like last week cemented in the toilet." They learn to overcome more and more difficulties. Man, on the other hand, might say, "This week I learned how to cook the meat well." Everyone has to learn that the other spouse has done during their life together.
Gradually, the pain goes away, assures Dr. Ahronz, although it may take from two to five years. At some point, you realize that your life goes on. "
When you are beginning to get used to life without a husband, you suddenly encounter difficulties not only emotional order. This is a time when in all its ugliness appears the material side of life.