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Fibrous-cavernous tuberculosis

Named previous pulmonary tuberculosis, it occurs with the progression of various forms of tuberculosis.
Symptoms and over:
The process is long and wavy. Periods of relative prosperity replaced exacerbations with pronounced symptoms of intoxication. There is a growing cough, increased amount of sputum, there hemoptysis and pulmonary bleeding, formation of new lesions in different regions of the lungs due to contamination with Mycobacterium bronchi. As the development process there is a violation of all systems of the body, loss of various organs. In the lungs auscultated with a lot of different character wheezing. There have been marked changes in hemogram, ESR acceleration. Radiologically determined in light of various sizes large cavern, which is usually about a lot of fresh and old foci of tuberculosis, lung tissue sealing, and its membranes.
Prediction - with long-term combined treatment is usually favorable for life.