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Phlegmon of the lacrimal sac

Acute purulent inflammation of the lacrimal sac and surrounding tissues.
Symptoms and course:
There is a sharp soreness in the area of ​​the lacrimal sac, the skin is purple, the swelling extends to the eyelids, the skin of the cheek and nose. The glottis is narrow or closed. In the conjunctival cavity purulent discharge, disturbs lacrimation. Body temperature increased, headaches, general malaise. In a few days an abscess is formed, which (in a few days) is sometimes spontaneously opened. It is possible to form a permanent fistula through which tears and pus are released.
The phlegmon of the lacrimal sac develops, as a rule, against a background of chronic inflammation. Typical localization. At palpation in this place there is a sharp pain, under fingers an oval seal is felt.
Intensive antibiotic therapy is carried out, as in the case of phlegmon of the eyelids. Locally: in the initial stage, dry heat, UHF, electrophoresis with penicillin, chymotrypsin. When an abscess is formed, it is opened and drained. In the conjunctival cavity intensively instilled antibiotics, sulfonamides. After the process subsides, the surgical recovery of the lacrimal sac with the nasal cavity (dacryocystorhinostomy) is performed.