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Before taking you should consult with a doctor!
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It is a complication of sycosis (cm.) Or appears independently as a slightly painful, bright red, conical plotnovata touch nodule arising from the base of the hair. After a few days in the middle of it, it revolves a small abscess, dry in the crust on apostasy which is usually no trace remains.
In the presence of an abscess same as in ostiofollikulit (cm.). In addition, it is advisable to lubricate the place clean ihtiola and cover with a thin layer of cotton wool; Ichthyol soon will paste dries and durable wool, bandages, plaster is not required. Ihtiolovaya "cake" is changed once a day until complete resorption seals. Hair must be pre-cut with scissors. Wash the sore spots with water can not only wipe the skin surrounding it once a day (when you change label) alcohol solution.