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Gelikobakterioza - an infectious disease characterized by symptoms of acute and chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.
Cause. The causative agent of the disease - the bacterium Helicobacter, which opened in 1983, is stable in the environment, instantly killed by boiling.
The source of infection - a sick man or bacillicarriers Helicobacter.
Infection occurs food, water and contact-household way.
The process of developing the disease. Once in the stomach, Helicobacter attached to the gastric mucosa. In some people they do not cause significant damage to the mucous membrane. Such persons are bacteria carriers. Others have Helicobacter cause the development of inflammatory changes of the gastric mucosa with the development of first acute, later chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer disease.
Signs gelikobakterioza - these are signs of chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer disease.
Recognition of the disease. Detection of Helicobacter in the material taken during fibrogasroskopii and other indirect methods.
The treatment will result in the liquidation of the pathogen with which the body is unable to cope. To do this, apply antibacterial agents that kill the parasite. There is currently no single effective drug. Helicobacter destroy only a minimum of two means, acting on the different aspects of his life. But this must occur in the stomach, in conditions of high acidity, which reduces the effectiveness of these prparatov. Therefore, the medicament is applied additionally, significantly reducing the acidity and prolonged gastric contents.
Recent international controlled trials showed a 90% efficacy of short-term low-dose triple therapy schemes, allowing to achieve recovery for 1 week:
0.02 g omeprazole 1 time per day at night
clarithromycin 0.25 g, 2 times a day,
tinidazole (or metronidazole), 0.5 g of 2 times a day. Treatment begins with a reception the evening of omeprazole (reduces acidity) for the night. On the morning of the next day at the same time to start taking two antibacterial drugs, regardless of the meal. The course of treatment - 7 days.