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Alcoholic hepatitis acute

Develops after ingestion of large amounts of alcohol, as well as chronic alcohol abuse, as in the previously intact liver, and against the background of already existing diseases (steatosis, chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver).
Symptoms and over:
Complaints: pain in the right upper quadrant or upper abdomen of varying intensity, nausea, vomiting, may increase the temperature to 38 ± C. After 1-2 days there is jaundice. Ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity) phenomenon is unstable. At the same time patients may experience symptoms of chronic alcoholism: tremor, polyneuritis (pain, weakness, disturbance of sensation in the lower limbs), mental disorders in the form of emotional instability. Alcohol acts toxic way to the liver cells (hepatocytes), causing them dystrophy - a violation of intracellular structures, in more severe cases - necrosis, ie, their complete destruction. Depending on the depth of the process of hepatitis lasts from 1 to 3 months and ends in recovery or transition to cirrhosis.
Mandatory is a clear link to the alcoholic excesses, revealing liver enlargement on palpation and ultrasound diffuse structure changes. In the biochemical analysis of blood there is increasing activity levels of specific samples: alaniiaminotransferazy, gamma glutaminpeptidazy, increased bilirubin, a violation of the protein composition in the form of a reduction of albumin and increase of gamma globulin fraction. Accurate diagnosis can be made prilaparoskopii (inspection of the liver through a laparoscope) with a liver biopsy.
The first two or three weeks bed rest, diet N 5 is assigned, certainly a large amount of fruit juice, with the exception of alcohol. B vitamins are intramuscular, methionine, lipokain, Kars or essentiale injections and capsules. After the relief of clinical manifestations of hepatitis patient should completely give up drinking.