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Herpes and AIDS today is ominous words

Sexually transmitted diseases caused by bacteria, gonorrhea, chlamydial infection, syphilis, completely cured. Those that are caused by the AIDS virus, genital herpes and genital warts are incurable.
If you are infected with herpes, you may have a 5-8 recurrences per year. During periods of exacerbation, which lasts 10-14 days, you need to abstain from sexual intercourse. The condom does not provide reliable protection because the virus is transmitted not only through the genital tract secrets, but also through sores outside of the genitals. Moreover, even in the absence of symptoms and manifestations of herpes virus can be transmitted from an infected person to another.
"Fortunately, acyclovir medication eliminates up to 90 percent of relapses, if doctors follow the rules, says Dr. Hitchcock. Part of acyclovir contributed to the fact that herpes has ceased to scare women, as it was until recently. Now all sounds ominous AIDS, and the number of women infected with the AIDS virus, is growing faster than the number of infected people in the other groups.
The main method of transmission to sexual intercourse the woman. Therefore, if a woman is not with your partner in long-term mutually monogamous relationship, in which all the experts agree, it can not feel safe, except in cases when partners use condoms. Fear of AIDS leads to the fact that condoms are becoming as familiar as combs, if we talk about those little things that are always with us. These days, women should carry them with you in the same way as men.
Unfortunately, not all men and women perceive the threat seriously enough. At least, this is indicated by statistics. In one study, 58 percent of female college students in the survey said their partners rarely used or never used condoms. Another study showed that only 24.8 percent of men and 15.6 percent of women always use condoms during sexual intercourse.
Worse than that among the 21.3 percent of men and 8.6 percent of women who have had ten or more partners regularly used condoms, only 21 percent of men and 7.5 percent of women.
See also:. Contraception.