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Hypotonic disease (primary chronic hypotension, essential hypotension)

Disease associated with impaired functions of the nervous system and neurohormonal regulation of vascular tone, accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure. The initial background of this condition is asthenia associated with psychotraumatic situations, chronic infections and intoxications (production hazards, alcohol abuse), neuroses.
Symptoms and course:
Sick sluggish, apathetic, they are overcome by extreme weakness and fatigue in the morning, do not feel vigor even after a long sleep; Memory worsens, a person becomes distracted, his attention is unstable, working capacity decreases, there is a constant sense of lack of air, potency and sexual desire in men and the menstrual cycle in women are disrupted. The predominant emotional instability, irritability, increased sensitivity to bright light, loud speech. A habitual headache is often associated with fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, abundant food intake, prolonged stays in an upright position. Flowing like a migraine, with nausea and vomiting, decreases after a walk in the fresh air or exercise, rubbing the temporal areas with vinegar, applying ice or a cold towel over the head. There are dizziness, staggering when walking, fainting. BP is usually slightly or moderately reduced to 90 / 60-50 mm Hg. Art.
Recognition is carried out on the basis of clinical signs and exclusion of diseases accompanied by secondary arterial hypotension (Addison's disease, pituitary insufficiency, Simmonds disease, acute and chronic infections, tuberculosis, peptic ulcer, etc.).
The correct mode of work and rest. Apply sedatives and tranquilizers, adrenomimetics: mezaton, ephedrine, fetanol; Hormones of the adrenal glands: corgi, DOXA; Drugs that excite the central nervous system: tincture of ginseng, Chinese magnolia vine, zamanichi, pantocrine, etc. Perhaps physiotherapeutic (baths, massage), sanatorium treatment, physiotherapy.