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Chronic eating disorder caused by insufficient intake of nutrients, or a violation of their assimilation and characterized by low body weight.
It occurs mainly in children under 2 years of age, most of the first year of life. At the time of occurrence are divided into congenital and acquired.
Congenital malnutrition can be caused by an abnormal pregnancy, accompanied by blood circulation in the placenta, intrauterine infection of the fetus; diseases of the pregnancy itself, its improper nutrition, smoking and alcohol consumption, age (younger than 18 or older than 30 years), exposure to industrial hazards.
Acquired malnutrition can be caused by underfeeding, difficulty sucking, associated with the irregular shape of the nipple or breast tight; insufficient number of infant formula with artificial feeding, qualitative malnutrition; frequent illness of the child, prematurity, birth trauma, malformations, violation of intestinal absorption in many diseases of metabolism, endocrine disorders (diabetes, etc.).
Symptoms and over:
Dependent on the severity of malnutrition. In this connection distinguish hypotrophy I, II and III degree.
Grade I: subcutaneous fat thickness decreased in all parts of the body except the face. The first thinning on his stomach. mass deficit of 11-20%. Weight gain slows down growth and neuropsychological development of age appropriate. The state of health is generally satisfactory, sometimes marked disorder of appetite, sleep. The skin is pale, muscle tone and elasticity of tissues slightly below normal, normal stool and urine.
Grade II: subcutaneous fat on the chest and abdomen almost disappears in the face of significantly istonchaetssya. The child lags behind in growth and psychological development. Increasing weakness, irritability, appetite is much worse, falls mobility. The skin is pale with a grayish tinge, muscle tone and elasticity of tissues dramatically reduced. Often there are signs of vitamin A deficiency, rickets (see. Below), children easily overheat or supercooled. The liver is increased, unstable stool (constipation, diarrhea alternate), changes its character (color, smell, texture) depending on the cause of malnutrition.
Grade III: occurs mainly in children during the first 6 months of life and is characterized by a sharp depletion. Subcutaneous tissue disappears in all areas of the body, sometimes preserved ochentonky layer on the cheeks. mass deficit exceeds 30%. Body weight did not increase, sometimes progressively decreases. The growth and psychological development are suppressed, increases fatigue, slowed reactions to various stimuli (light, sound, pain). His face wrinkled, "senile". Eyeballs and large fontanelle sink. Leather, pale gray, dry, skin fold is not straightened. Mucous membranes dry, bright red in color; tissue elasticity is almost lost. Breathing weakened, sometimes have a breach. Urezhen heart rate, blood pressure is reduced; stomach in, or swollen, marked constipation, a change in the nature of stool. Urination is a rare, little urine. Body temperature below normal, easily occur hypothermia. Often associated infection, which occurs without obvious symptoms. If untreated, the child may die.
It takes into account the reasons vyzvashey malnutrition, as well as its extent. At 1 degree - outpatient, with grade II and III - in the hospital. Basic principles - the elimination of the causes of malnutrition, nutrition and child care, the treatment of diseases arising from this metabolic disorders, infectious complications.
With insufficient amount of milk the baby finish feeding mothers donor or mixtures. A lower than normal, the components of the content in the breast milk of their prescribed in addition (with a deficit of proteins
- Yogurt, cottage cheese, milk protein, with a deficit of carbohydrates - in drinking water add sugar syrup, give 10-20% cream with a deficit of fat). In severe cases, the nutrients are administered intravenously. In the case of malnutrition caused by metabolic disorders, conduct a special health food.
Regardless of the cause of the disease, all children prescribed vitamins, enzymes (abomin, pepsin, festal, panzinorm, pancreatin and OE), stimulants (apilak, Dibazolum, in severe cases - hormone replacement therapy), massage, exercise therapy, ultraviolet irradiation. Of great importance is the right child care (regular walks in the fresh air, preventing stagnation in the lungs - most often take the child in his arms, turn, upon cooling to put a heating pad feet, a thorough oral care).
The forecast at 1 degree malnutrition favorable, with III degree mortality rate is 30-50%.
Prevention: respect for the power of the day and women during pregnancy, smoking and alcohol elimination, industrial hazards. In identifying malnutrition fruit diet pregnant correcting prescribe vitamins, substances that improve blood circulation in the placenta. After birth, careful monitoring is important for the development of the child (as often as possible to weigh!), Proper nutrition nursing mother.