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Chapter 3beremennost

Few moments in a woman's life (if any) can match the intensity of emotions with the time when she is a child. "Emotional instability" as it is commonly referred to inherent pregnancy condition in journal articles and books, that literature received by the woman during the first visit to a doctor for examination for pregnancy.
Pregnancy, in the language of psychologists who have the time "crises", this word is not very good, because it is associated with the disease, but more requires a certain shift. Indeed, pregnancy is a turning point in the lives of women, some, perhaps the only, the ritual of its entry into a society in which not provided other equally important rituals for women.
Having a child marks the beginning of a new life for all others. A woman who previously thought itself as a daughter, wife, friend, employee, boss, should see themselves in a new role as a mother. And surrounding cease to be what they were. The husband turns to his father, parents grandparents, brothers and sisters aunts and uncles.
The woman's body changes, it grows, gruzneet, becoming beautiful and awkward, as if it begins to glow from within. These changes improve or worsen the consciousness of women, worsen or improve her sex life and almost certainly provide her a seat on a crowded bus. As the woman more and more immersed in the awareness of his new role, her former ambitions and aspirations, her career and even friendships forced out of consciousness. The sad films make her cry. Not a very good joke can laugh for a long time.
Inside it there is a struggle between the nascent maternal feelings and the need to rebuild my life with a focus on children. Her troubled complex feelings caused by pregnancy, which was initially only unaccrued menstruation, can then be felt as discomfort and ends with severe pain. In the end, there is all-consuming love for the child, she can not see, but which grows and moves under her heart.
At times joyful expectations and fears faced by how the atoms in the reactor. The nine months of waiting she feel every vein of his body, every nerve. "It is an act of courage," says Riva Rubin, one of the leading experts on pregnancy, researcher and theorist.

Infectious diseases for all
Women Health
Infectious diseases
Surgical diseases
Eye diseases
Diseases of the ear, nose and throat
skin diseases
Venereal diseases
Nerve disease
mental illness
Childhood diseases
First aid
Surgical diseases
Acute poisoning
Lab tests
Modern research methods
Physio-therapeutic treatments
invalid food
Spa treatment
Internal illnesses