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Restrain anger or give out? Suppress it or find an outlet for it? Slowly heat up and boil? Whatever the wording, we are, anger, and various forms of its manifestation of our lives.
But until recently, in women, at least, the "educated" women in this respect, there was no choice. Traditionally, young girls were taught that anger is unworthy to show the lady that anger spoil relationships that temper, anger deprives them of the chance of finding a husband.
How to express their anger women today? Similarly, as men. "Recent studies have shown that women express their anger as often with the same force and for the same reasons as men, said Sandra Thomas, Ph.D., director of research at the Center for the care of the sick and elderly at the College of the Sisters of Mercy in Knoxville, Tennessee. Poor circulation, unfavorable situation at home and at work, unfulfilled expectations are just some of the reasons that cause irritability and outbursts of anger. "
And they get a woman pouring out her anger, like men? Poor health. Similarly, as men.
Studies show that anger in women leads to a number of health problems, including depression, high blood pressure, heart disease, arthritis, stress, drug and alcohol addiction and obesity. Women who are overly suppress or express their anger, twice as likely to develop breast cancer. Women are prone to outbursts of anger, often unhappy marriage.
Presumably, excessive anger, regardless of whether or suppressed anger poured posing any problems.
"This is contrary to the received opinion, that if to give vent to anger, then you'll feel better," says Dr. Thomas, who participated in the research. She found that only pours anger provokes even greater anger. But the suppression of anger is not always beneficial. The researchers conducted surveillance for 18 years and found that for women, a long time restraining his anger, the risk of dying in the youngish age is twice as high than those who immediately gives vent to anger.
Learn to be a cold-blooded
"In the present state of science, says Dr. Thomas, the best advice we can give to women, this is not to succumb to anger. Think about what gives impetus to the outbreak of anger. "
Rather than torment yourself, it is advised to express their concerns. If you can not contact a specialist, or at least discuss them with a trusted friend or relative. For service, you can also take the following.
Keep records of the analysis of the cases of anger outbursts. In other words, examine their anger. "Record every episode with an indication of which led to the outbreak of anger, who else was present, that you it feel like a long time continued flash of anger, how you react, says Maureen Lassen, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist from Phoenix. You also need to write down how you felt before the episode. After several weeks, review your records, maybe you catch some regularity. "
"Taking notes will also give you the key to understanding the causes of manifestations of emotions, it becomes clear that they can be controlled, adds Carol Tavris, Ph.D., a specialist in social psychology and author of the book" Anger: misunderstood emotion. "
Count to ten. Maybe even up to twenty. Try to resolve the problem or remove the source of anger. If the problem can not be resolved, you should use other means of mastering the situation.
Try to rethink the situation. When kto-nibud provokes us to the manifestation of anger, we tend to worsen the situation, saying to himself: "What a brainless oaf!" Or "Well, and nerves needed for this witch!" Try to put yourself in the place of the person that caused your anger, or find an excuse for it behavior, saying to himself: "she is probably in big trouble, so it behaves." So usually come people are not inclined to succumb to feelings of anger, says Dr. Tavris.
To cool off, give yourself a big exercise "heavily loaded themselves physically, says Dr. Thomas, we have an excellent opportunity to give vent to strong emotions, including feelings of anger."
Avoid dangerous situations. If you can not change the situation, try to avoid its repetition.