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Purulent lymphadenitis

Begins with catarrhal-hyperplastic lymphadenitis, then there is a purulent infiltration of the node and the formation of a number of small foci, which, merging, lead to the reddening of the lymph node. Involvement of the purulent process of its capsule and surrounding tissues leads to the development of adenophlegmons. When putrefactive phlegmon cavity of the mouth, paradentitis, gangrenous angina, etc. lymph nodes may be affected by gangrenous process with putrefactive decay (putrefactive lymphadenitis).
It is determined by the therapy of primary and secondary inflammation foci and the general effect on the body. Methods of treatment can be divided into three groups:
1. The oppression of microflora in the primary focus and lymph nodes - the use of antibiotics, sulfonamides, nitrofurans, etc.
2. Surgical - opening and draining of the primary purulent focus and purulent lymphadenitis.
3. Increase the protective forces of the body and reduce intoxication. The use of antibiotics for lymphadenitis sometimes provides rapid cure.