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Halyazion (hail)

It is a chronic inflammation of the cartilage of the century around the meibomian gland.
Symptoms and course:
On the eyelid, an elastic formation measuring up to a large hail is palpated, the skin above it is mobile, on the side of the conjunctiva there is a patch of hyperemia (redness) and a zone of grayish color in the center. Palpation is painless or slightly painful. Sometimes there is nagnaivanie, then signs of inflammation join: pain, reddening of the skin of the eyelids, there may be spontaneous dissection with the release of contents (pus) from the conjunctiva.
The diagnosis is made on the basis of the clinic. Halyazion develops after barley, hypothermia, but more often for no apparent reason.
Treatment: in the early stages of bactericidal drops, yellow mercury ointment (on the skin and in the conjunctiva cavity), dry heat. In the cold period, steroids are sometimes injected into the cavity of the halazion. The surgical method remains radical. It is usually performed on an outpatient basis. On the eyelid, under a local anesthetic, a special terminal clamp is applied, and through the incision of the conjunctiva or the skin, the contents are removed together with the capsule. The operation takes several minutes.
The prognosis is favorable, but relapse of the disease is possible.