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Study of gastric juice

Gastric juice - a product of the activity of the gastric glands and gastric mucosa. His trial was performed to detect diseases of the stomach and control over the state of its excretory function during treatment.
Gastric juice is obtained by probing. On the evening before the patient should not eat, drink or smoke. Pure gastric juice is a colorless, odorless liquid with suspended lumps of mucus. The composition includes its hydrochloric acid, enzymes, minerals, water, mucus. Gastric juice is acidic, its daily amount - about 2 liters. The amount of gastric contents measured in the batch produced on an empty stomach and after the test meal - food stimulus. Putrid smell of gastric juice occurs when the decay of food proteins and the decay of cancer. The admixture of bile juice stains in yellow or green. The presence of blood changes color from red to brown. Gastritis and other gastric disorders is found in significant amounts mucus.
Chemical study of stomach contents gives an indication of acid-forming, and enzymatic functions. The cells of the gastric glands are divided into major, and additional obkladochpye. Each group of cells produces certain components of the juice. Primary cells produce enzymes which cleaved using nutrients:. Pepsin cleaves proteins, lipases, fat splitting, etc. parietal cells produce hydrochloric acid which creates an acidic environment in the stomach cavity. The concentration of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice is 0,40,5%. She has a special and extremely important role in digestion: it softens some substances bolus activates enzymes that kill bacteria, enhances the production of pancreatic enzymes, contributes to the formation of digestive hormones. hydrochloric acid content of gastric juice acidity is determined concept. Acidity is not always the same, it depends on the rate of release of juice and gastric mucus neutralizing effect also varies in diseases of the digestive system. Increased acidity of gastric contents occurs with ulcers, especially duodenal ulcer. Reducing the acidity observed in acute inflammatory diseases of the liver and gall bladder, eating disorders, chronic gastritis and gastric cancer, as well as anemia.
Additional cells secrete mucus, it neutralizes the hydrochloric acid, reducing gastric acidity and protect the mucous membrane irritation. In addition to enzymes, mucus, hydrochloric acid, gastric contents consist of a number of organic and inorganic substances, as well as a special substance - factor Castle, providing the absorption of vitamin B12 This vitamin is essential for the normal maturation of red blood cells in the bone marrow.
A characteristic feature of gastric contents healthy people - no it pathological impurities and remnants of food eaten the day before. microscopic examination can detect these residues case of violation of the evacuation function of the stomach.
The presence of mucus in the gastric juice with leukocytes may indicate an organic lesion of the mucous membrane of the stomach - gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, polyps, cancer. When gastric tumor cells it can be detected in gastric contents. That is why the study of gastric juice should be considered an important diagnostic method.