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How to assess the degree of risk

Pregnancy after 35 years, of course, can not be completely free of risk, but it is not as great as you might think, and in many cases it can be reduced to a minimum. Here are some points to be taken into account too the young woman if she wants to give birth for the first time.
First, you may find it difficult to become pregnant. There is documentary evidence that after 35 years of fertility decreases gradually. "But we must keep in mind that it is gradually reduced, said Sally Faith Dorfman, MD, an obstetrician-gynecologist in New York. Even if we do not take into account such adverse factors as premature menopause, which means that you can conceive in one day and can not conceive the next. To conceive, you may need 6-12 months instead of four. "
But the greatest danger which threatens the nulliparous women older is associated with the birth of a child with genetic defects, especially Down syndrome.
Statistics show that for the 40-year-old woman's risk of having a baby with Down syndrome is nine times greater than that for 30-year-old. "However, says Dr. Dorfman, let's look at the numbers, and not on the degree of increase in risk. For 40-year-old woman's likelihood of having a child with Down syndrome is less than 1 percent. And although the risk increases with age, from 45-year-old woman he is 3 percent, that is, if you look on the other hand, the probability of having a healthy baby is 97 percent. Of course, the manipulation of numbers has its limits, she warns. If this happens to you, something happens at 100 percent. "
In women older than 35 years are more likely than younger, there are health complications during pregnancy, especially with respect to diabetes and high blood pressure, which are generally characterized by older people. Such complications occur in about 6 percent of women older than 35 years compared with 1.3 per cent in younger. According to statistics, older women also increases the risk of pregnancy complications, including placental abruption and fetal distress, which require medical intervention and may have very serious consequences for the health of both mother and child. And increases the likelihood of miscarriage. Childbirth can be a difficult and protracted, and that under the current prevalence of cesarean main indications for it. However, having examined a number of studies on this subject, Dr. Dorfman found that the average duration of labor in pozdnorodyaschih exceed the duration of childbirth in young only 45 minutes.
Also increases the likelihood of just because of more time spent on this planet, says Dr. Dorfman, that older women experienced the impact of potentially harmful toxic substances from the environment. For women older than 35 years increases the risk of problems due to endometriosis and fibroids, which can affect fertility and pregnancy.
But all of these hazards can be minimized if the woman who, in all probability, carefully planning a pregnancy, in advance to prepare yourself physically for the forthcoming pregnancy. The bodies of the fetus are formed in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, and during this time the fetus is most vulnerable, doctors believe, therefore, if you before become pregnant, will eat right, give up cigarettes and alcohol, caffeine and drugs, will be taking vitamins and do exercise, you increase your chances to bear pregnancy easily and well and having a healthy baby. But pregnancy is not the time to start physical activity, doctors warn. It is necessary to physically prepare yourself for the upcoming before you get pregnant, then you will be easier to deal with problems if they occur.