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How to mitigate the situation

To help you and your children move the divorce easier, the specialists developed a number of recommendations.
Listen to the angry statements of your children. Children feel anger and express it. In the end, they did not want this.
Pay attention to the fact that the children are very sad. Divorce is not one of those events that are quickly forgotten. It will take 2-3 years before the worst is over.
Try to be patient. Your children will doubtlessly ask questions every day. Leading questions, accusatory questions, repeated questions. Answer everything, try to find the best answers.
With understanding, refer to children's fantasies about reunion. Most children dream of having parents reunite, even if the marriage was a real disaster. Do not feed these fantasies, but remember that they are quite natural.
Establish a schedule of regular visits. "Studies have shown that the ability of a child to adapt to a new situation is influenced not by the frequency of visits, but by their regularity," says Marla Beth Isaacke, Ph.D., a private psychologist from Philadelphia and author of "Difficult divorce: therapy for children and parents." Children whose parents set a visit schedule in the first year after the divorce turn out to be more socially oriented by the third year than children whose parents did not do it. Researchers believe that regular visits give children the opportunity to believe that the family continues to exist, despite the changes in life brought by divorce.
Talk about the children with your ex-spouse. Parents who talk about children (about school affairs, music lessons, birthdays, etc.), children better tolerate the divorce, especially in the first year after the divorce.