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How to cope with depression

According to experts, the most effective way to deal with chronic depression seek help from a counselor and / or use drugs. The treatment, said Dr. McGrath, helps to significantly reduce symptoms of depression in 80-90 percent of the people in a time of 12 to 14 weeks.
Consulting specialists can teach a woman how to deal with sad thoughts, a sense of hopelessness and low self-esteem. "They learn to control their behavior and acquire the necessary skills in life, says Dr. Robin Post, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist from Denver. They learn to be approved and to express their needs. They learn to confront the difficulties, to solve their problems, endure losses, fell to their share. They learn to understand their feelings and accept them, whether it be feelings of anger, sadness or fear. "
Some women in the most difficult periods of depression sometimes prescribe antidepressants, often fluoxetine (Prozac) and tricyclic antidepressants, such as nortrptilin (pamelor). But medication has its drawbacks. They can give unpleasant side effects such as dry mouth, constipation, problems with bladder, sexual problems, poor vision, dizziness, drowsiness, and sleep disorders.
"Of course, the choice of drugs and the duration of its reception depends on the individual patient and the type developed in her depression, said Dr. Dzhensvold. If you can not sleep and can not eat, your doctor may prescribe nortriptyline, a drug known for its sedative properties, which will give you the ability to sleep better. "
In some cases, drugs are assigned for reception for a long time. Short taking them is usually only part of a comprehensive treatment, the main purpose of which is to teach suffering from depression methods to overcome it, to teach how to reassemble life together. But what makes it one can not help another.
"We need to remember, said Dr. Dzhensvold that overcoming depression takes time. But it can be avoided in principle. "