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How to perform self-examination of mammary glands

Most breast tumors (about 90 percent) are found during self-testing. Therefore, the better you will know how to perform it, the more chances you have to detect a tumor at the very beginning of its appearance. Here's what you should pay attention to:
New convexities.
Wrinkling of the skin.
Dimples on the skin.
Thickening or thickening under the skin.
Retraction of the nipple.
Discharge from the nipple, bleeding nipple.
Any other skin or nipple changes.
Now let's move on to the self-test methodology that we give in accordance with the recommendations of the American Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology and the Health Organization Albert Einstein.
In the shower room. Raise one hand. Holding the fingers flat, feel each area of ​​each breast, there are no bulges or seals. With your right hand, examine the left breast, and the left hand with your right hand.
In front of the mirror. Put your hands on the sides, then lift above your head, carefully observe whether there are any changes in the size, shape and shape of each breast. Check if there are wrinkled skin areas, depressions on the skin and changes in its structure. Gently squeezing your nipples, see if there are any secretions.
Lying on the back. This is the most important part of the self-test, because only in this position it is possible to feel all the tissues well. Put under the left shoulder a folded several times a towel or pillow and put your left hand under your head. With your right hand, combining your fingers together and holding them flat, gently probing your left breast without pressing too hard. Do your fingers circular movements, starting from the upper edge of the breast and spiraling in the direction of the nipple. Examine each section of the breast. Repeat the entire procedure on the right breast. Investigate also the areas below the axillae, which also contain breast tissue.