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Catheterization of the bladder

Introduction of the catheter (hollow rubber, plastic or metal tubes) into the urethra and bladder for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes. It is used for urinary diversion for acute (sudden) and chronic (which developed gradually, and a long-term), urinary retention, to be inserted into the urinary tract drugs, determining the capacity of the bladder, producing urine for laboratory testing, detection of urinary tract obstruction and location constraints, etc. . The procedure is contraindicated in acute inflammatory processes in mochespuskatelnom canal and bladder, as It contributes to the spread of infection.
Apply various types of catheters (and composition, and size, and shape). The procedure is performed under strict aseptic conditions. Hand washing with soap and water and wipe with alcohol. Outside the opening of the urethra treated with a solution furatsilipa.
In men, the procedure is performed in the position of the patient on his back with legs slightly diluted. The catheter is pre-lubricated with sterile glycerin or petrolatum (sunflower) oil. The penis take the left hand near the head so that it is convenient to disclose the external opening of the urethra. The catheter is introduced into the right hand very smoothly, the penis while as if to pull the catheter. The patient was offered to do a few deep breaths, inhaling on the height, when muscles relax, closing the entrance to the mochespuskatelny channel, continuing to provide gentle pressure catheter. His presence in the bladder indicates urine. If the catheter can not enter, then the feeling of resistance should not be applied effort, because this can cause serious injury.