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Intestinal infections

In intestinal infections, infection occurs through the mouth, often with food and water. In the external environment, pathogens from patients and bacterial carriers are excreted with feces or vomit, sometimes with urine. Microorganisms of intestinal infections can persist for a long time in soil, water, and also in various subjects (wooden handles, furniture). They are resistant to the effects of low temperatures, in a humid environment, survive longer. Rapidly multiply in dairy products, as well as in minced meat, jelly, jelly, in the water (especially in the summer).
In some intestinal infections, especially with cholera, the main, almost unique value is the waterway transmission. The waterway of transmission can be the main one for dysentery caused by Flexner shigella.
It is clear that in this case, the water is contaminated by feces when sewage from toilet, sewerage, etc. enters the water basins. The degree of water pollution in the lower reaches of large rivers in regions with a hot climate is especially high.
The transfer of the pathogen to food occurs through the dirty hands of food workers, as well as flies. Especially dangerous is the contamination of foods that are not subjected to heat treatment.
Flies, feeding on feces, swallow a huge number of microbes. Nearly ten million microbes are placed on the body of a fly. Flies into the kitchen, home, in the dining rooms, flies sit down on food. At one time the fly can isolate up to 30,000 dysenteric bacteria from the intestine.
People who do not observe the rules of personal hygiene, are primarily susceptible to infectious diseases and themselves are the spreaders of intestinal infections.
Intestinal infections, except those mentioned, include typhoid fever and paratyphoid A and B, viral hepatitis A and E, and others.
Infections with respiratory tract infection
Respiratory tract infections are the most common, most common diseases. A common feature for them is the air-drop method of spreading with the localization of the pathogen in the respiratory tract.
With infections of the respiratory tract infection occurs when talking, sneezing, coughing, when you are together with the sick in a small room.
The group of airborne infections is primarily influenza and other acute respiratory infections. The airborne droplet transmission pathway is the main one in many other infectious diseases: diphtheria, meningococcal infection, angina, measles, rubella, etc.
With these diseases, pathogens get into the air with droplets of saliva or mucus. Their greatest concentration is noted at a distance of 2-3 meters from the patient. Minor droplets of saliva near the patient can be a long time. Large drops of saliva, containing pathogens, settle fairly quickly, dry up, forming microscopic nucleoli. With dust, they again rise into the air and with its streams are transferred even to other rooms. When these substrates are inhaled, infection occurs.
In some zoonoses, the leading is not the airborne droplet, but the air-dust pathway: ornithosis, hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS), etc.
Bloodborne infections
The source of the infection is a sick person or a sick animal. The carrier of pathogens is arthropods (lice, fleas, mites, etc.) in which the microbes multiply. Infection occurs when you get into the wound from a bite or comb of the pathogen contained in saliva or in the moult body of an insect.
When transferring pathogens by living beings, blood infections are called transmissible: typhus, malaria, plague, tick-borne borreliosis, etc.
Bloodborne non-transmissible infections
The mechanism of transmission of infection is blood-contact. The transmission paths can be natural and artificial.
Natural transmission routes: sexual, from the mother to the fetus (infection during pregnancy and childbirth), from the mother's breastfed child (with breastfeeding), household - during the implementation of the "blood-contact" mechanism through shaving instruments, toothbrushes,
The artificial way of transmission is realized through the damaged skin, mucous membranes during therapeutic and diagnostic manipulations: injections, surgeries, blood transfusions, endoscopic examinations, etc.
The blood-contact mechanism of transmission of infection occurs in viral hepatitis B, C and D, with AIDS.
Infections of external covers
The source of infection of this group of diseases can be people (erysipelas) and animals (anthrax, etc.).
A characteristic feature of these diseases is the introduction of the pathogen in places of violation of the integrity of the skin (abrasion, abrasions, wounds, burns). Pathogens of some infections can persist for a long time in the soil (tetanus). Infection in such cases occurs as a result of soil contamination of the wound.