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Oxygen therapy

The use of oxygen for therapeutic purposes. Oxygen is essential for normal metabolic. The general effect of it on the body in the blood provided after receipt by inhalation or intravascular administration with the help of special devices. Local therapeutic action is achieved by introducing oxygen through a needle into the pleural cavity (the space between the sheets of pleura - the tissue covering the lungs and lining the chest cavity), the abdominal cavity, in the joints; gavage - in the stomach, intestines. A variation of the oxygen therapy is the therapeutic use of oxygen under increased pressure - hyperbaric oxygen therapy (see Barotherapy.). The use of these procedures is shown in many diseases, but they are especially important in the treatment of respiratory and cardiac failure, ventilator at the time of operations and resuscitation in cases of poisoning by carbon monoxide, and other diseases sostoyapiyah.
Most used kislordpaya inhalation. It is performed on the sessions of 10-60 minutes (at intervals of 20 minutes to several hours), or continuously for several days. Occur through a variety of respiratory equipment, through a special mask at a grave condition - nasal catheters. Sometimes using oxygen tents or tent. Use oxygen in the oxygen bag, special cylinders, in hospitals there is a centralized system of oxygen supply to the patient's bed.
Oxygen pillow used for emergency. Hole tube kislordnoy cushion cover with two layers of a piece of gauze moistened with water (to oxygen enters the airways moist). During deep inhalation of oxygen available comes from the pillow to the patient during exhalation tube pinch fingers or cushion valve is closed, oxygen therapy is used and parasitic diseases. With the introduction of oxygen through the probe into the stomach or the large intestine helminths (worms) die.
When oxygen overdose appears dry mouth, dry cough, burning sensation behind the breastbone, in severe cases - atelectasis (sites wears off) in the lungs, mental illness, seizures, disorders of thermoregulation. It is necessary to immediately stop the supply of oxygen in tazhelyh cases, call a physician. Children often use the so-called oxygen tent, which is supported by the necessary humidity and constant exhaust air. It should be borne in mind that in the newborn, a preterm infant particularly, long located in high oxygen concentrations, may eye disease caused by vascular spasm and insufficient blood supply to the retina.